Southwest Texas College Police Department

The Southwest Texas College Police Department would like to welcome you to the campus. While you are on the campus, we want you to have an enjoyable and safe time. We are available to assist you in any way that we can.

We consider the college as our community and consider the students, faculty, staff, and guests as members of the community. We are the police department for the college community in much the same way as a city police department is for a particular city. Southwest Texas College is not within the city limits of Uvalde or within the jurisdiction of its police department. We have our own independent, fully staffed, full-service police department with full-time, experienced police officers. Our officers are fully certified and licensed Texas Peace Officers. The Del Rio and Eagle Pass campuses are patrolled by a security company.

You are here because you have decided to continue your education and enjoy the benefits that a higher education can have on your life. The mission of the Southwest Texas College Police Department is to help promote and protect an atmosphere that assists persons in achieving their educational goals. Our campus community does have its share of accidents, criminal activity, and injuries. Compared to other jurisdictions, however, our crime rate is extremely low. Our goal is to lower it even more. To accomplish this we need everyone’s help. If you witness a crime, see something suspicious, or know of someone that may need assistance on campus, please become involved and contact our department.

The SWTX Police Department office is located in Hubbard Hall. Office hours are generally 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Our phone number is (830) 591-7333. Alternate numbers are (830) 278-4401 (switchboard); or 911 (countywide emergency). SWTX Police Cellular Phone number is (830) 279-1861

SWTX Police respond to all incidents on the Uvalde campus of SWTX. We gather information on, and investigate all crimes and offenses on campus. We report to the college administration. We file criminal cases through the Justice of the Peace Courts, the Uvalde County Courts, and the State District Courts. Campus parking violations are handled on campus through the Business Office and the Vice-President of Finance.

You are welcome to come by our office. We encourage you to take an active role in helping us maintain a peaceful and enjoyable campus community where you can get a quality education.

Motor Vehicle Parking Permit

All students, faculty and staff employees of SWTX are responsible for obtaining and displaying motor vehicle parking permits on campus and for obeying the Motor Vehicle Regulations outlined in this document. Citations are issued for parking violations. 

Students are prohibited from parking in the visitor's lot. This prohibition applies to parking on campuses other than the one usually attended. Students/faculty/staff are not visitors and will be issued citations for parking in the visitor's lot.

A one-day temporary permit is issued when a student or employee fails to bring his permit to the

Transportation Service

Transportation is offered to students in Eagle Pass, Del Rio, and Crystal City traveling to the Uvalde campus. There is a $150 fee for each student per semester. The transportation provided is based on need determined by SWTX.

Emergency Response Plan 

When evacuation of a building is necessary due to a fire, bomb threat, hazardous materials accident or other emergency evacuations, an alarm system is activated or orders to evacuate are given.

  1. Immediately evacuate the building through the doorways marked by the nearest exit signs, only if it is safe.

Evacuate the building in an orderly manner, without running or crowding. A disorganized evacuation can result in confusion, injury and property damage.

  1. Be familiar with the location of primary and alternate exits and the various evacuation routes available. Floor plans with escape routes, alternate escape routes, and exit locations are posted throughout the buildings.
  1. Evacuate immediately, resisting the temptation to locate personal belongings or asking for details about the situation. Remember, things can be replaced--people cannot. 
  1. Assist individuals with a disability or others who may need help.
  1. Fire alarms and smoke detectors are to alert building occupants. If smoke or fire is detected, call 911. Whenever possible, activate the nearest fire alarm and close the door upon leaving a room. 
  1. Proceed to a predetermined assembly area. A head count or roll call is necessary to account for all personnel.

AppArmor Emergency Notification System

The Southwest Texas College Emergency Notification System is used to deliver messages to our faculty, staff, and students during emergencies and campus closings. Notifications are sent to your cellphone, email, and the SWTX Safety App. SWTX uses the notification groups to target students for emergency messages.

As a student, you have been added to notification groups based on your primary location and class registration information. Current students are kept up to date in the Emergency Notification System on a regular basis (at least twice each semester) based on current enrollment status. To download the SWTX Safety App please visit our main website at

Severe Weather Evacuation Plan 

When tornados or other severe weather threatens the campus, all persons must take shelter. The following procedures are to be followed: 

  1. The city where each campus is located will activate a severe weather siren. Sound of the siren is the signal to take shelter immediately. 
  1. The safest place to take shelter from severe weather or tornados is inside a building, in a room or hallway, clear of glass doors and windows. Lie face down, head covered, along an interior wall or hallway. When possible get under heavy furniture as protection from falling debris. 
  1. Assist individuals with a disability as needed. 
  1. Campus personnel or emergency responders will use a public address system to instruct people outside to immediately take shelter inside a building. Each building has diagrams posted on walls showing the exits.
  1. When emergency responders are present, follow their instructions. No discussion is necessary during an emergency situation.

Safety Policy Statement 

It is the policy of the Southwest Texas College to provide and maintain a safe and healthful environment free of injuries and other impairments to the health of students. 

In the interest of accident prevention, the Southwest Texas College supports a formal safety program designed to reduce accidents and injuries. 

Each student is responsible for taking serious interest in safety, cooperating with College officials, complying with safety regulations of the College, reporting immediately any injury incurred or unsafe condition observed, and practicing safety at all times. Students who fail to follow safety regulations may be withdrawn from their course(s).

Concealed Carry Policy

  1. Unless noted otherwise in the College’s Campus Concealed Carry Policy, students, faculty, staff, and visitors are permitted to carry a handgun on the campuses and dormitories of SWTX provided:
    1. They have a valid handgun license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety or by any state which has reciprocity with Texas;
    2. The firearm is concealed at all times; and
    3. They follow Texas Penal Code 30.06 pertaining to exclusionary zones.
  2. Faculty and staff are permitted to carry concealed in College vehicles while in the course of their employment.
  3. Open carry of a firearm is not permitted on the campuses of SWTX.
  4. Unattended firearms must be locked at all times inside a storage container designed for that purpose, or alternatively locked inside the license holder’s motor vehicle.
  5. Licensed students living in SWTX dormitories must provide their own locked gun storage container.
  6. Exclusionary Zones include areas on campus where the concealed carry of a firearm is not permitted. Notice must be provided in accordance with Texas Penal Code 30.06. The following areas are exclusionary zones:
    1. Child Care Facilities located on campus;
    2. Nursing and Radiology Laboratories (Restriction does not include the classrooms);
    3. Swimming Pool area and dressing rooms in the Physical Education Memorial Building on the Uvalde campus;
    4. La Forge Hall (Includes gymnasium and all physical education areas. Does not include instructors’ offices and access area leading to the offices);
    5. Del Rio campus weight room – Building J;
    6. Testing rooms in Testing Center located in the R.K. Miller Building on the Uvalde campus;
    7. Testing rooms in Del Rio B-108, B-109 during testing.
    8. Testing rooms in Eagle Pass Building E during testing.
    9. Pearsall Campus (Leased from Pearsall I.S.D.) and the
    10. Hondo Campus leased from the City of Hondo (If the City determines it will prohibit the possession of firearms in the leased facility and causes the appropriate signage under Texas Penal Code 30.06 to be affixed to the building).
    11. All Libraries
    12. All cafeterias and snack bars
    13. Temporary Prohibition: The College President may temporarily prohibit concealed carry handguns at certain events. The request for a temporary prohibition will be reviewed by the Cabinet and a recommendation forwarded to the College President. Proper notification and signage will be required.
  7. Under the auspices of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE), the Advisory Board of the Middle Rio Grande Regional Law Enforcement Training Academy has established the following rule: “Firearms or any weapons are not permitted in the classroom unless required by an instructor, or in full uniform”.
  8. The SWTX Campus Concealed Carry Policy will be “widely” published on the College’s website, College Policy, College Catalog, Student Handbook, and Faculty Handbook.     

Sex Offender Registration 

Not later than the seventh day after the date on which the person begins to attend school, a person required to register under Chapter 62, code of Criminal Procedure, who is a student at a public institution of higher education shall report that fact to the SWTX Police Department. 

The offender shall provide the SWTX Police Department or the local law enforcement authority all information the person is required to provide under Code of Criminal Procedure Section 62.02(b).

 State law prohibits some sex offenders on parole or probation from going within 1,000 feet of an area where “children normally gather.” The frequent presence of children on SWTX campuses requires that sex offenders on parole or probation check with their parole or probation officers to learn if they fall under this prohibition. Those who do fall under the prohibition may take Distance learning classes, but only if presence on campus is not required 

Tobacco Use 

The use of tobacco products is allowed on SWTX campuses; however smoking must not take place within 50 feet of any window, door, or opening of a building this includes e-cigarettes or similar products.


All technology related services are treated confidentially. The College will not disclose personal information to third parties unless required by law or College policies or regulations. The College employs numerous measures to protect the security of electronic resources and user accounts but does not guarantee such security. The College employs software programs which monitor network traffic, identify potential unauthorized access and detect computer viruses and/or software that might damage College computers or the network. Information obtained by the College is used only for the purpose of maintaining security and performance of College networks and computer systems. Personal information will not be released without student consent unless required by law or College policies or regulations.

Each computer user, as a member of the electronic community of learners, is responsible to all other users in that community to respect and value the rights of privacy for all; to recognize and respect the diversity of the population and opinion in the community; to behave ethically; and to comply with legal restrictions regarding the use of information resources.

Southwest Texas College has the responsibility to provide all computer users with legally acquired computer resources (hardware, software, networks, databases, etc.) in all instances where access to, or use of, the resources is an integral part of active participation in the electronic community.

SWTX has the responsibility to develop, implement and maintain security procedures to insure the integrity of individual and institutional files.  The College shall not be responsible for loss of data or interference with files resulting from its efforts to maintain the privacy and security of the College computer facilities. 

SWTX has the responsibility to treat electronically stored information as confidential.  The institution shall treat all personal files as confidential, examining or disclosing the contents only when authorized by the owner of the information, approved by the appropriate institutional official, or required by local, state or federal law and/or regulation.

These privacy responsibilities apply to distance learning students as well as traditional students.

Computer, Network and Internet Acknowledgment and Consent/Acceptable Use Policy

The purpose of the computers and internet is to support research and education. Appropriate usage is defined as technology and/or Internet resources that are directly related to the curriculum/instruction.

All users of the information systems and resources at SWTX must abide by certain guidelines. For the most part these guidelines are similar to those pertaining to the other forms of communication at the college. Please understand that if you violate this policy, you are subject to SWTX discipline as well as local, state, and federal legal recourse.

In general:

  • Users must act ethically and within the law when using college information systems.
  • SWTX information systems and resources must be used only for SWTX business and only as authorized by the information owner. Further, users must understand that the information systems and resources, including the email address assigned to them, belong to SWTX.
  • SWTX information systems must be used only in ways that benefit SWTX, ensure compliance with statutory requirements, are cost-effective, and enhance the reputation of SWTX.
  • Users are responsible for all actions taken using their SWTX-issued accounts (or other methods of access). Users must not share passwords or other means of access.
  • By using SWTX information systems, users consent to monitoring, logging and reporting on their use of those systems.
  • Users must use only SWTX approved methods and technology to connect to SWTX's network and information systems.
  • Users must not use or disclose sensitive information, or data that is otherwise confidential or restricted, without appropriate authorization.
  • Users are required to report any weaknesses in security controls, incidents of misuse, and violations of SWTX information system operating and security policies to the Information Technology Department.
  • Users must not purposely engage in activity that may harass, threaten, intimidate, endanger, or abuse others; degrade the performance of information systems; deprive an authorized user access to a SWTX resource; obtain resources beyond those allocated; or circumvent technology security measures.
  • Users must not allow incidental personal use of SWTX information systems to result in any embarrassment or non-trivial cost to SWTX.

Specifically, the following uses are prohibited:

  • Illegal activity.
  • Commercial or for-profit purposes.
  • Product advertisement or political lobbying.
  • Hate mail, discriminatory remarks, and offensive or inflammatory communication.
  • Unauthorized or illegal installation, distribution, reproduction, or use of copyrighted materials.
  • Transmission of material likely to be offensive to recipients.
  • Intentional obtaining or modifying of files, passwords, and data belonging to other users.
  • Impersonation of another user, anonymity, and pseudonyms.
  • Loading or using of unauthorized games, programs, files, or other electronic media, including, but not limited to, the usage of floppy diskettes, CD-ROMs (audio and computer), DVD-ROMs, and USB flash drives/USB storage devices.
  • Disruption of the work of other users.
  • Destruction, modification, abuse or unauthorized access to network hardware, software and files.
  • Quoting of personal communications in a public forum without the original author’s prior consent.


System security is protected through the use of passwords. Failure to adequately protect or update passwords could result in unauthorized access to personal or official files. To protect the integrity of the system, the following guidelines shall be followed.

  1. Employees and students shall not reveal their passwords to another individual.
  2. Users are not to use a computer that has been logged in under another student's or employee's name.
  3. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access to the network.
  4. All account passwords must comply with the following minimum standard complexity requirements:
    • Must be at least nine (9) characters in length; and
    • Must be changed at least every 90 days

Account passwords must also:

  • Contain a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters, numerals, and special characters;
    • NOT re-use any of the account's last 4 passwords; and
    • NOT include personal information such as your name and account name

SWTX is in the process of implementing the use of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for Microsoft 365, it is anticipated that we will be putting those plans in place over the next few months. In the meantime, please be aware that in order to access your email or use 365 resources, you will be required to have access to Microsoft Authenticator. We are investigating the use of Google Authenticator as well. Both applications are free to use and available for both the iPhone and Android phones. The apps do not store any information about you as a user or your phone, it just serves as a tool to improve system security for SWTX. We will publish instructions for loading and using the apps on our website in the near future.

Employees and students must understand this policy and comply with it. The SWTX IT Department can be contacted at 830-591-7323 if you are in need of additional information or clarification.

Additionally, please understand that if you violate this policy, you are subject to the SWTX discipline code as well as local, state, and federal legal recourse.

Other Violations and Fees

Parking facilities are available on campus for all students, faculty and staff. Handicapped parking is also available (vehicles must display a handicapped placard to park in these spaces). All cars must park in the appropriate parking lots assigned and designated by the decal that may be obtained in the Business Office.

A non-transferable decal for SWTX students may be obtained in the Admissions Office at no additional charge. Additional decals are available for $5.00. A non-transferable decal for Sul Ross students valid the current school year may be obtained in the Admissions Office.

Campus Police enforce parking regulations 24 hours a day, seven days a week. All parking citation types and fines, with the exception of space reserved for the disabled, are $25.00. Parking in a space designated as Handicapped Parking without a placard is $50.

Moving violations will be filed with the Justice of the Peace. When moving violations are filed with the Justice of the Peace, the fine assessed if found guilty, could range from $2 to $200. A fee of $5 shall be assessed when a parked vehicle causes an unsafe situation or is in flagrant violation of parking regulations.


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