Tuition and Fees per Semester (In-District)

Tuition and Fees per Semester (In-District)
Hours Tuition Registration Fee General Use Fee Technology Fee Campus Access Total
1 $195.00 $24.75 $72.00 $12.00 $5.00 $308.75
2 $195.00 $24.75 $72.00 $24.00 $5.00 $320.75
3 $195.00 $24.75 $72.00 $36.00 $5.00 $332.75
4 $260.00 $33.00 $96.00 $48.00 $5.00 $442.00
5 $325.00 $41.25 $120.00 $60.00 $5.00 $551.25
6 $390.00 $49.50 $144.00 $72.00 $6.00 $661.50
7 $455.00 $57.75 $168.00 $84.00 $7.00 $771.75
8 $520.00 $66.00 $192.00 $96.00 $8.00 $882.00
9 $585.00 $74.25 $216.00 $108.00 $9.00 $992.25
10 $650.00 $82.50 $240.00 $120.00 $10.00 $1,102.50
11 $715.00 $90.75 $264.00 $132.00 $11.00 $1,212.75
12 $780.00 $99.00 $288.00 $144.00 $12.00 $1,323.00
13 $845.00 $107.25 $312.00 $156.00 $13.00 $1,433.25
14 $910.00 $115.50 $336.00 $168.00 $14.00 $1,543.50
15 $975.00 $123.75 $360.00 $180.00 $15.00 $1,653.75
16 $1,040.00 $132.00 $384.00 $192.00 $16.00 $1,764.00
17 $1,105.00 $140.25 $408.00 $204.00 $17.00 $1,874.25
18 $1,170.00 $148.50 $432.00 $216.00 $18.00 $1,984.50
19 $1,239.00 $156.75 $456.00 $228.00 $19.00 $2,094.75
20 $1,300.00 $165.00 $480.00 $240.00 $20.00 $2,205.00

NOTE: This total does not include lab fees or other miscellaneous fees.

Students taking a course previously attempted two or more times at SWTJC will be assessed tuition for that course equal to the out-of-state rate.

Tuition and Fees per Semester (Out of District)

Tuition and Fees per Semester (Out of District)
Hours Tuition Registration Fee Out of District Fee General Use Fee Technology Fee

Campus Access Fee

1 $195.00 $24.75 $210.00 $72.00 $12.00 $5.00 $518.75
2 $195.00 $24.75 $210.00 $72.00 $24.00 $5.00 $530.75
3 $195.00 $24.75 $210.00 $72.00 $36.00 $5.00 $552.75
4 $260.00 $33.00 $280.00 $96.00 $48.00 $5.00 $722.00
5 $325.00 $41.25 $350.00 $120.00 $60.00 $5.00 $901.25
6 $390.00 $49.50 $420.00 $144.00 $72.00 $6.00 $1,081.50
7 $455.00 $57.75 $490.00 $168.00 $84.00 $7.00 $1,261.75
8 $520.00 $66.00 $560.00 $192.00 $96.00 $8.00 $1,442.00
9 $585.00 $74.25 $630.00 $216.00 $108.00 $9.00 $1,622.25
10 $650.00 $82.50 $700.00 $240.00 $120.00 $10.00 $1,802.50
11 $715.00 $90.75 $770.00 $264.00 $132.00 $11.00 $1,982.75
12 $780.00 $99.00 $840.00 $288.00 $144.00 $12.00 $2,163.00
13 $845.00 $107.25 $910.00 $312.00 $156.00 $13.00 $2,343.25
14 $910.00 $115.50 $980.00 $336.00 $168.00 $14.00 $2,523.50
15 $975.00 $123.75 $1,050.00 $360.00 $180.00 $15.00 $2,703.75
16 $1,040.00 $132.00 $1,120.00 $384.00 $192.00 $16.00 $2,884.00
17 $1,105.00 $140.25 $1,190.00 $408.00 $204.00 $17.00 $3,064.25
18 $1,170.00 $148.50 $1,260.00 $432.00 $216.00 $18.00 $3,244.50
19 $1,235.00 $156.75 $1,330.00 $456.00 $228.00 $19.00 $3,424.75
20 $1,300.00 $165.00 $1,400.00 $480.00 $240.00 $20.00 $3,605.00

NOTE: This total does not include lab fees or other miscellaneous fees.

Students taking a course previously attempted two or more times at SWTJC will be assessed tuition for that course equal to the out-of-state rate.

Tuition and Fees per Semester Non-Resident (Out of State & Foreign Students)

Tuition and Fees per Semester Non-Resident (Out of State & Foreign Students)
Hours Tuition Registration Fee General Use Fee Technology Fee General Access Fee Total
1 $651.00 $24.75 $72.00 $12.00 $5.00 $764.75
2 $651.00 $24.75 $72.00 $24.00 $5.00 $776.75
3 $651.00 $24.75 $72.00 $36.00 $5.00 $788.75
4 $868.00 $33.00 $96.00 $48.00 $5.00 $1,050.00
5 $1,085.00 $41.25 $120.00 $60.00 $5.00 $1,311.25
6 $1,302.00 $49.50 $144.00 $72.00 $6.00 $1,573.50
7 $1,519.00 $57.75 $168.00 $84.00 $7.00 $1,835.75
8 $1,736.00 $66.00 $192.00 $96.00 $8.00 $2,098.00
9 $1,953.00 $74.25 $216.00 $108.00 $9.00 $2,360.25
10 $2,170.00 $82.50 $240.00 $120.00 $10.00 $2,622.50
11 $2,387.00 $90.75 $264.00 $132.00 $11.00 $2,884.75
12 $2,604.00 $99.00 $288.00 $144.00 $12.00 $3,147.00
13 $2,821.00 $107.25 $312.00 $156.00 $13.00 $3,409.25
14 $3,038.00 $115.50 $336.00 $168.00 $14.00 $3,671.50
15 $3,255.00 $123.75 $360.00 $180.00 $15.00 $3,933.75
16 $3,472.00 $132.00 $384.00 $192.00 $16.00 $4,196.00
17 $3,689.00 $140.25 $408.00 $204.00 $17.00 $4,458.25
18 $3,906.00 $148.50 $432.00 $216.00 $18.00 $4,720.50
19 $4,123.00 $156.75 $456.00 $228.00 $19.00 $4,982.75
20 $4,340.00 $165.00 $480.00 $240.00 $20.00 $5,245.00

NOTE: This total does not include lab fees or other miscellaneous fees.

Students taking a course previously attempted two or more times at SWTJC will be a repeat fee.

Special Fees and Charges

Special Fees and Charges



Registration Fee -- $8.25 per semester hour (The registration fee includes library and activity fees)

$24.75 minimum

Network Course Access Fee


Change of Schedule - this fee is waived by the Registrar if the schedule change is made or recommended by the college


Graduation Tuition (Diploma) $20.00
Diploma and Cover $20.00

Ceremony Late Fee


Late Registration Fee


Reinstatement Fee


Repeated Course Fee (applies to the third and subsequent time a course is attempted)


General Use Fee -- per semester hour


Out-of-District Tuition -- per semester hour

$70.00/sem. hr.

Technology Fee -- per semester hour


Bad Check Fee -- per insufficient funds check returned to the college


ID - Meal Ticket Replacement Fee


ID – Student Replacement ID Fee


Campus Access Fee -- $.00 per semester hour

$5.00 minimum

Additional Parking Decal


Physical Education Fee


KINE ( Outdoor Activity)


Supply Fees -- Welding


Laboratory Fees -- See Course Description section of the catalog for assessment of lab fees per course.

Cooperative Education Fees -- See Course Description section of the catalog for assessment of coop fees per course.

Insurance Fee -- See Course Descriptions section of the catalog for insurance fees per course. 
Test and Remediation Fee -- See Course Description section of the catalog for testing fees per course.
VCT Fee - See VCT Coordinator for specific course fee $50.00-$350.00
Allied Health Fee $300.00
Dosimetry fee: RADR 1260, 1360, 2266, 2267, 2367, 2467 $25.00
Testing and Remediation Fee:
RADR 1311 $160.10
RADR 2331 $160.10
RADR 2335 $219.00
RNSG 1430 $756.25
RNSG 1533 $756.25
RNSG 1538 $756.25
RNSG 2539 $756.25

VNSG 1360

$987.50 (Fall)

VNSG 1561

$987.50 (Spring)