Academic Scholarships Awarded Through the Scholarship Committee

Scholarships have been provided by civic-minded individuals and organizations.  A faculty committee examines all applications and submits its recommendations to the President of the college who considers them for approval.  Awards are made primarily on the basis of demonstrated academic achievement and standing (high school grades and ACT or SAT scores); however, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, communicating and reasoning skills, financial need and educational objective may influence selection.

All students who receive academic scholarships at SWTJC must maintain “satisfactory grades” in order to continue receiving the scholarships.  The term “satisfactory grades” is defined as having a 2.50 cumulative GPA (on a four point scale) and completing at least twelve semester hours each fall and spring semester.  “Satisfactory grades’ are defined differently for the following scholarships and a recipient should refer to the scholarship description for the correct definition: Rose Koehl Memorial, Pioneer, Pioneer for Distinguished SWTJC Students, and Vic Leon Tucker Memorial.

A student who receives an academic scholarship must enroll as a full-time student (12 semester hours or more) in order to use the academic scholarship.  Students who receive the academic scholarship as entering freshmen are in effect receiving a two-year scholarship for four consecutive long semesters, if they maintain “satisfactory grades.”  Students who receive the scholarship as first semester freshmen can expect to receive the scholarship for three consecutive long semesters, if they maintain “satisfactory grades.”  Students who receive the scholarship as sophomores can expect to receive the scholarship for two consecutive long semesters if they maintain “satisfactory grades.”

Scholarship applications may be secured from the high school principal or by writing to the Registrar, Southwest Texas Junior College, 2401 Garner Field Road, Uvalde, Texas  78801-6297.  All scholarship applications for the fall semester are due by March 15th of each year.  Mail applications to the attention of the Scholarship Committee.  Students applying for scholarships through the Scholarship Committee can use only one awarded scholarship; multiple awards are not allowed.  The available scholarships are listed below.  Some of these scholarships carry more than one student.

Freshman and Sophomore SWTJC Students


Freshmen and Sophomore students who meet the criteria of the scholarships may apply for the following scholarships:

Academic Scholarship Committee:

  1. C. and P. Chandler
  2. Pioneer Scholarships for Distinguished SWTJC Students
  3. Pioneer Discretionary Scholarship (Less than 3.5 GPA)   

Del Rio Scholarship Committee:

  1. S.D. Lindsey Memorial Scholarship
  2. International Good Neighbor Council Scholarship

Eagle Pass SWTJC

Freshmen and Sophomore students who meet the criteria of the scholarships may apply for the following scholarships:

Academic Scholarship Committee:

  1. G.C. Bermea Scholarship
  2. Pioneer Scholarships for Distinguished SWTJC Students
  3. Pioneer Discretionary Scholarship (Less than 3.5 GPA)

Uvalde SWTJC

Freshmen and Sophomore students who meet the criteria of the scholarships may apply for the following scholarships:

Academic Scholarship Committee:

  1. Pioneer Scholarships for Distinguished SWTJC Students
  2. Pioneer Discretionary Scholarship (Less than 3.5 GPA)


*Crystal City, Pearsall, Hondo and Castroville campuses are the same as Uvalde campus.


Anna H. Baker Memorial Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

The Gilbert C. Bermea Scholarship

Tuition & Fees per semester

Shirley Smallwood Brietzke Memorial Scholarship 

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Ross E. & Bess S. Brumfield Memorial Scholarship 

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Laura & Ashley Bunton Memorial Scholarship       

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Randolph H. Burgess Memorial Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Reva P. Burns Scholarship

Tuition & Fees per semester

Charles L. & Polly C. Chandler Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Robert W. Culp Memorial Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Estella C. Fenley Memorial Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Rodolfo R. Flores Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Sterling Harper Fly, Sr. Memorial Scholarship       

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Ettie Rheiner Garner Memorial Scholarship Fund       

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

First State Bank of Uvalde –

        John Nance Garner Memorial Scholarship $1500 per semester toward cost of attendance

        Governor Dolph Briscoe Scholarship $1500 per semester toward cost of attendance

        Fallen Officers Memorial Scholarship $2000 per year toward cost of attendance

Dr. Rosemarie R. Garza Memorial Scholarship       

$500 per semester toward cost of attendance

Georgie Mae Gauthier Memorial Scholarship       

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Lupe and Elias Hernandez Memorial Scholarship       

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Harry and Kathryn Hornby Memorial Scholarship 

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Gordon Hudson Memorial Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Rose Koehl Memorial Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Stephen Daniel Lindsey Memorial Scholarship       

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Los Palominos Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Mallard-Turner Memorial Scholarship Trust       

Award varies

Wayne, Evalyn and Gary Matthews Memorial Scholarship 

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Robert R. McKinney Memorial Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Garry E. Merritt Memorial Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Will C. Miller Memorial Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

A.C. & Lucille Mogford Memorial Scholarship

To be determined each year by the Scholarship Committee

Rory Scott Molloy Memorial Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Bill R. Nunley Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Pioneer Discretionary Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Pioneer Scholarship

$800 per semester toward cost of attendance

Pioneer Scholarship for Distinguished SWTJC Students

$800 per semester toward cost of attendance

Mary B. Powers Memorial Scholarship Fund

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Baltasar L. Ramirez Memorial Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Eloy Reyes Memorial Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Dr. Tomas Rivera Memorial Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Cauy Routh Memorial Scholarship

Amount to be determined by Workforce Education department

Juanita B. San Miguel Memorial Scholarship       

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

MacKenzie Scott Distinguished Scholarship

$500 per semester toward cost of attendance

MacKenzie Scott Exemplary Scholarship

$1,000 per semester toward cost of attendance

Ismael Sosa, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

$650 Fall or Spring semester toward cost of attendance

Spring Semester Only Scholarship

$800 per semester toward cost of attendance

SWTJC Memorial Scholarship Fund

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Vic Leon Tucker Memorial Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Uvalde Area Retired Teacher Association (UARTA) Scholarship

$250 per semester toward cost of attendance

Uvalde Rotary Club Scholarship

$250 per semester toward cost of attendance

Uvalde Rotary Club—

        John Burns Memorial Foundation

       $250 per semester toward cost of attendance

Dr. Pete and Joyce Harke Winn Scholarship

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Tom and Hope Witt Memorial Scholarship 

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance

Ray & Edna Woolworth Endowment/Scholarship Fund  

$650 per semester toward cost of attendance


Anna H. Baker Memorial Scholarship

The Board of Trustees of Southwest Texas Junior College has set aside a portion of the earnings from stock in the First State Bank of Uvalde acquired by the college from the estate of Anna H. Baker, a longtime resident of Uvalde and friend of the college, to endow a scholarship fund as a memorial to the late Anna H. Baker.  The recipients of the scholarship are selected by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

The Gilbert C. Bermea Scholarship

This scholarship recognizes the efforts, devotion, commitment, and dedication of this college educator to the Eagle Pass area residents by establishing and directing higher education programs in the Eagle Pass, Texas area.  This scholarship demonstrates the appreciation for his many years of loyalty to SWTJC and for being there for the students and faculty.

An applicant for this scholarship should:

  1. Meet all entrance requirements of SWTJC;
  2. Be an Eagle Pass area student showing promise of success and attending the Eagle Pass campus;
  3. Have a scholastic record that would justify consideration for a scholarship;
  4. Pursue either an A.A. or A.A.S. degree.

This scholarship will pay tuition and fees while the student is on the scholarship.

Shirley Smallwood Brietzke Memorial Scholarship

In loving memory of Shirley Smallwood Brietzke, family and friends have established an endowment fund in order to award scholarships to deserving SWTJC students.  The recipient of this scholarship will be enrolled in an Allied Health Program at SWTJC for at least 12 semester credit hours and maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher.  Preference will be given to a first generation college student.

Ross E. and Bess S. Brumfield Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship established by the SWTJC Board of Trustees honors the memory of Ross E. and Bess S. Brumfield, longtime residents of Uvalde and strong supporters of the college.  The scholarship is administered by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

Laura and Ashley Bunton Memorial Scholarship

Established by the SWTJC Board of Trustees in memory of Laura and Ashley Bunton of Rio Frio, Texas, friends and supporters of the college.  This scholarship is administered by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

Randolph H. Burgess Memorial Scholarship

Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Burgess of Utopia, with the assistance of the Exxon Foundation, have established a scholarship fund to assist graduates of Utopia High School attend SWTJC.  Earnings from the fund are used to provide scholarships to defray the cost of the students’ tuition and fees while enrolled at the college.  This scholarship may be renewed for the second year of education at SWTJC if “satisfactory grades” are maintained.  The recipient is selected by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.  Students from other high schools may also be awarded scholarships from this fund if recommended by the scholarship committee.

Reva P. Burns Scholarship

Former students and friends of Mrs. Reva P. Burns have established this scholarship in her honor.  A longtime resident of Uvalde, Mrs. Burns was a member of the first faculty of SWTJC and a former teacher at Uvalde High School.  This scholarship may be extended to the sophomore year if “satisfactory grades” are maintained.  The recipient of the scholarship must be a full-time student who resides within the college district.  The recipient is selected by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

Charles L. and Polly C. Chandler Scholarship

Charles L. Chandler and Polly C. Chandler have established a scholarship endowment.  The income from this endowment is to be used as a scholarship fund.  This scholarship may be extended throughout the second year if requirements are met by the student selected by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

        A student eligible for this scholarship must:

  1. Be a graduate of San Felipe Del Rio Independent School District;
  2. Be enrolled in SWTJC for a minimum of twelve (12) hours per semester;
  3. Maintain a 2.50-grade point average in all courses, exclusive of developmental courses;
  4. Pursue an Associate degree program (A.A.) at SWTJC;
  5. Be of good moral character with no record of drug abuse or alcohol abuse or disciplinary action of any kind.

Robert W. Culp Memorial Scholarship

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Culp, in loving memory of their son, Robert Culp, have established a $5,000 scholarship fund.  The interest from the endowment is used to provide scholarships for students attending SWTJC.  The recipient may receive the scholarship for the freshman and sophomore years if “satisfactory grades” are maintained.  Applications for the scholarship should be made through the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

Estella C. Fenley Memorial Scholarship

Estella C. Fenley was a long-time resident and nurse who lived on a ranch south of Utopia, Texas.  She was noted for helping and caring for many Utopia area residents when they were sick.  Mrs. Fenley was also a great admirer of the native wildlife and the natural beauty of the Texas hill country.  Upon her death, a gift of $10,000 was bequeathed to Southwest Texas Junior College and has been invested.  The interest received from this endowment is set aside as a scholarship fund for graduates of Utopia High School attending Southwest Texas Junior College.  This scholarship may be extended to include the second year of education if “satisfactory grades” are maintained.  The recipients are selected by the Southwest Texas Junior College Scholarship Committee.

Rodolfo R. Flores Scholarship

The Rodolfo R. Flores Scholarship provides scholarships to the students of Southwest Texas Junior College. Mr. Flores was a successful lawyer and businessman and a strong supporter of Southwest Texas Junior College. He served as President of the Board of Trustees, a position he was first elected to in 1992 having served on the board of trustees since 1975. Mr. Flores graduated from Southwest Texas Junior College and was a Charter Member of Uvalde’s Eta Beta Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the international honor society for two-year colleges and universities. The recipient of this scholarship will be selected by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

Sterling Harper Fly, Sr. Memorial Scholarship

In honor and loving memory of Sterling Harper Fly, Sr., his family created an endowment fund of which the interest is to be used for memorial scholarships for deserving SWTJC students.  The recipient may receive the scholarship for the freshman and sophomore years if “satisfactory grades” are maintained.  Applications for the scholarship should be made through the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

Ettie Rheiner Garner Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Honorable John N. Garner, and his son, Tully C. Garner, have given $25,000 each, in memory of Mrs. Ettie Rheiner Garner, wife and mother, respectively.  The $50,000 endowment has been invested and the interest set aside as a scholarship fund for girls.  Those eligible for half of the yearly proceeds must be born and reared in Uvalde County and graduated from a high school located in the same area.  The balance is awarded without regard to residency.

First State Bank of Uvalde -- John Nance Garner Memorial Scholarship

The First State Bank of Uvalde awards two academic scholarships annually to graduates of high schools in the SWTJC district who meet all requirements set by the college.  The scholarship pays tuition and fees while the student is on the scholarship.  This scholarship may be extended to include the second year if “satisfactory grades” are maintained.  The recipients are selected by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

First State Bank of Uvalde --- Governor Dolph Briscoe Scholarship

The First State Bank of Uvalde awards two academic scholarships annually to graduates of high schools in the SWTJC district who meet all requirements set by the college.  The scholarship pays tuition and fees while the student is on the scholarship.  This scholarship may be extended to include the second year if “satisfactory grades” are maintained.  The recipients are selected by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

First State Bank of Uvalde --- Fallen Officers Memorial Scholarship

The First State Bank of Uvalde awards one Law Enforcement Academy scholarship annually each term (fall/spring) to an accepted student enrolled in the Law Enforcement Academy.  The scholarship can be used towards cost of attendance.  The recipients are selected by the SWTJC Law Enforcement Academy.

Dr. Rosemarie R. Garza Memorial Scholarship

In loving memory of Rosemarie R. Garza, Ph.D., RN, M.Ed., her family has established an endowment and scholarship in her name.   Dr. Garza loved education and nursing; dedicating her life to both.  She worked as a nurse, clinical educator, nursing instructor, ICU director, and later established the Community Health Worker program at Uvalde Memorial Hospital.  She was affectionately called “Dr. Rose” by her students and the staff at UMH, therefore her family would like this scholarship to reflect Dr. Rose’s desire to assist in the education of Registered Nurse.  The recipient of this scholarship will be enrolled in the registered nurse (RN) program at SWTJC.  The scholarship will be awarded for two years provided the recipient maintains a 3.5-grade point average.    The recipients are selected by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee. 

Georgie Mae Gauthier Memorial Scholarship

The family and friends of Georgie Mae Gauthier, a longtime resident and teacher in the Uvalde Independent School District, have established an endowment fund.  The interest from this endowment is to be used as a scholarship fund for Uvalde High School graduates majoring in education and attending SWTJC.  The scholarship may be extended to the sophomore year if “satisfactory grades” are maintained.  Applications for the scholarship should be made through the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.  The recipients are selected by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

Lupe and Elias Hernandez Memorial Scholarship

Lupe and Elias Hernandez. Sr., were devoted parents and advocates of higher education.  In their loving memory and honor, Nena H. Ramirez has created an endowment fund whereby accumulated interest would be utilized as a memorial scholarship in her parents’ names.  This scholarship may be awarded to a deserving adult student whose scholastic record meets the following criteria:

  1. Must exhibit a financial need in order to pursue a college education;
  2. Must enroll for at least 12 semester hours;
  3. Must maintain a satisfactory scholastic record (2.50 G.P.A. or above), while attending SWTJC.

 If there are no adult participants, this scholarship may be awarded to any deserving student attending SWTJC with the same stipulations mentioned above.

Harry & Kathryn Hornby Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship endowment has been established in memory of Kathryn and Harry Hornby.  Mrs. Hornby served as a member of the Southwest Texas Junior College Board of Trustees from July 16, 1987 to May 21, 1992.  Mr. Hornby was the owner/editor of the Uvalde Leader News and played a very active role in supporting the formation of the Southwest Texas Junior College tri-county taxing district that resulted in the creation of the college.

Gordon Hudson Memorial Scholarship

The family and friends of Gordon Hudson, a longtime resident of Uvalde and friend of SWTJC, have established an endowment fund.  The interest from this endowment is to be used as a scholarship fund for students attending SWTJC.  The scholarship may be extended to the sophomore year if “satisfactory grades” are maintained.  Applications for the scholarship should be made through the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

Rose Koehl Memorial Scholarship

Rose Koehl was a friend and mentor to many during her 25 years as an instructor at SWTJC.  Her family and friends have established this scholarship in her loving memory.  Interest from this fund will be given to the student selected by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee that meets the following criteria:

  1. 5 GPA in high school;
  2. participated in at least one extracurricular activity;
  3. be of good character.

        The scholarship may be extended for a total of four semesters as long as the student:

  1. takes a minimum of 12 hours at SWTJC each semester and maintains a 3.0 GPA;
  2. is involved in extracurricular activities at SWTJC;
  3. continues to be of good moral character.

Stephen Daniel Lindsey Memorial Scholarship

The Stephen Daniel Lindsey Memorial Scholarship was established in loving memory by Marilyn Casson, his mother, and Nolan and Pearl Riggs, his grandparents.

        A student for this scholarship must:

  1. Be admitted to the SWTJC LVN Program in Del Rio;
  2. Maintain a 2.50 grade point average in all courses.

Los Palominos Scholarship

Los Palominos, Grammy-award-winning musical group, has endowed a scholarship to help needy students throughout the college service area.  The recipients of this scholarship are selected by the scholarship committee.

Mallard-Turner Memorial Scholarship Trust

In honor and loving memory of her late husband Terrell B. Mallard, Estelle T. Mallard and her parents Frank and Mattie Turner, have created a perpetual scholarship fund with the First State Bank of Uvalde – Trustee.  This scholarship is to provide for one or more qualified and worthy individuals who wish to pursue a college education, particularly students enrolling in any program for training nurses (vocational or otherwise).  Scholarships are defined to include tuition, books, fees and similar charges, as well as other expenses deemed by the Trustee as necessary and appropriate in order to provide an education.

        College faculty and the Trustee will evaluate applicant(s) for scholarship awards by taking the following into consideration:

  1. evidence that the applicant(s) are in need of financial aid and deserving of assistance in order to obtain a college education;
  2. grades that are satisfactory to the Trustee;
  3. scholarship record that is satisfactory to the college;
  4. determination to succeed.

Wayne, Evalyn and Gary Matthews Memorial Scholarship

The Wayne, Evalyn and Gary Matthews Memorial Scholarship was given by family and friends in honor of former SWTJC President Wayne Matthews, his wife Evalyn, a longtime speech instructor at SWTJC, and their son Gary.  The scholarship committee will select a deserving student pursuing a degree in a technical program.

Robert R. McKinney Memorial Scholarship

The friends and family of Robert (Bob) McKinney have established a scholarship in his name.  Robert McKinney was an outstanding Economics and Business instructor at Southwest Texas Junior College for 37 years.  He helped many students understand the Economics, the Business World, and the Stock Market.  The recipient of this scholarship has to be a Business or Economics major and will be selected by the scholarship committee.

Garry E. Merritt Memorial Scholarship

In loving memory of Garry E. Merritt, his immediate family has set up an endowment fund of $5,000.  The interest from the endowment is to be used as a scholarship fund for deserving students.  The scholarship may be extended to the sophomore year if “satisfactory grades” are maintained.  Applications for the scholarship should be made through the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

Will C. Miller Memorial Scholarship

The SWTJC Board of Trustees established this scholarship in memory of Will C. Miller, a Houston businessman and friend of SWTJC.  The scholarship is administered by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

A.C. & Lucille Mogford Memorial Scholarship Endowment and Scholarship Fund

The First Baptist Church of Crystal City endowed the A.C. & Lucille Mogford Memorial Scholarship.  Students eligible for this scholarship must:

  1. Be a SWTJC student from within the college’s eleven county service area;
  2. Have the desire and intent to become an educator;
  3. Have a scholastic record that would justify consideration for a scholarship.

The SWTJC Scholarship Committee will determine the number and amount of scholarships to be awarded each year.  If a scholarship award exceeds the total tuition and fees for an individual student, the remainder may be utilized for the purchase of books.

Rory Scott Molloy Memorial Scholarship

In loving memory of Rory Scott Molloy, his family and friends have established an endowment fund.  The interest from the fund is to be used for memorial scholarships to deserving SWTJC students.  The recipient may receive the scholarship for the freshman and sophomore years if “satisfactory grades” are maintained.  Applications for the scholarship should be made through the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

Bill R. Nunley Scholarship

This scholarship was established to honor Bill R. Nunley, who served as a member of the Southwest Texas Junior College Board of Trustees from 1975-2000.  He served as President of the Board for eight years.  Mr. Nunley made an annual contribution to the college scholarship fund since becoming a board member.  The Sabinal, Texas native was also a graduate of Southwest Texas Junior College and was always an avid supporter of the college.  The scholarship is to be administered by the Southwest Texas Junior College Scholarship Committee.

Pioneer Scholarship

Southwest Texas Junior College Board of Trustees authorized the Pioneer Scholarship Program in 1987 for academically talented students.  To be eligible to receive the scholarship, an applicant must:

  1. submit application for admission and scholarship by the date stated in the invitation letter sent by SWTJC;
  2. have an ACT composite score of 26 or higher, or SAT verbal and math scores combined of 1240 or higher, on file with the college;
  3. enroll for at least 12 semester hours each long semester;
  4. be pursuing an associate degree program (A.A. or A.A.S.) at SWTJC;
  5. be a first time, entering freshman;
  6. must be a resident of the state of Texas as defined for tuition purposes.

Once awarded, the scholarship is for four consecutive long-term semesters if the recipient continues to meet the following criteria.  Should the number of qualified applicants for scholarships exceed the funds available, the scholarships will be awarded to the students returning their commitment the earliest.  The criteria are:

  1. enroll in consecutive long-term semesters;
  2. maintain at least a 3.25 GPA (4.00 scale) in all college work;
  3. complete a minimum of 12 semester hours during each of the long-term semesters in which the scholarship is received.

Pioneer Scholarship Fund for Distinguished SWTJC Students

Southwest Texas Junior College Board of Trustees authorized the Pioneer Scholarship Program in 1987 for academically talented students.  The Pioneer Scholarship for Distinguished SWTJC students is designed to help distinguished students continue their second year of education by awarding financial assistance for two long term consecutive semesters.  Should the number of qualified applicants for scholarships exceed the funds available, the scholarships will be awarded to those students having the highest GPA.  To be eligible to receive this scholarship an applicant must:

  1. be pursuing an associate degree program (A.A. or A.A.S.) at time of application;
  2. must apply by April 1 for the following fall semester;
  3. must be a resident of the state of Texas as defined for tuition purposes;
  4. must have completed twenty-four semester hours at SWTJC exclusive of developmental courses with a GPA of 3.50 prior to receiving the scholarship (not prior to applying for the scholarship);
  5. must enroll and complete twelve semester hours at SWTJC with a GPA of 3.25 the first semester the scholarship is received to be eligible for the second semester award;
  6. must enroll for at least twelve semester hours at SWTJC during the second award.

Mary B. Powers Memorial Scholarship Fund

The late Mary B. Powers left approximately $10,000 to SWTJC, which has been invested.  The interest received from this endowment is set aside as a scholarship fund for students of SWTJC.  This scholarship may be extended to include the second year of education if “satisfactory grades” are maintained.  The recipients are selected by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

Baltasar L. Ramirez Memorial Scholarship

Baltasar L. Ramirez was a fervent supporter of higher education.  In honor and loving memory of her late husband, Nena H. Ramirez has created a perpetual scholarship fund from which accumulated interest is to be utilized as a memorial scholarship.  This scholarship may be awarded to a deserving Uvalde High School graduate in need of financial assistance and who exhibits a determination to succeed.  The following criteria should also be considered:

  1. A scholastic record that justifies consideration for a scholarship;
  2. Must enroll for at least 12 semester hours;
  3. This scholarship may be extended to include the second year of education if satisfactory grades are maintained, as deemed appropriate by the scholarship committee.

Eloy Reyes Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by friends and family to honor Eloy Reyes, a successful businessman in New Mexico.  Eloy was a distinguished graduate of Southwest Texas Junior College.  The scholarship committee will award this scholarship to a student whose educational objective is business.

Dr. Tomás Rivera Memorial Scholarship

In loving memory of Dr. Tomás Rivera, his family has established a fund of which the interest is to be used for memorial scholarships for deserving SWTJC students.  Dr. Rivera was born in Crystal City, Texas and was a graduate of SWTJC.  He was a higher education professor, an administrator and a Chancellor at the University of California at Riverside.  Dr. Rivera was a renowned author in Chicano literature and numerous presentations of formal papers.  The recipient of this scholarship is selected by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

Cauy Routh Memorial Scholarship

In loving memory of Cauy Routh, his immediate family has established an endowment to fund a scholarship for an SWTJC student.  Cauy was a student of SWTJC in the Lineman program.  This scholarship is designed to support students in the Lineman program.  The scholarship will be distributed by the Workforce Education department. 

Juanita B. San Miguel Memorial Scholarship

In honor and loving memory of Juanita B. San Miguel, her family created an endowment fund of which the interest is to be used for scholarships to deserving SWTJC students.  The recipient may receive the scholarship for the freshman and sophomore years if “satisfactory grades” are maintained.  Applications for the scholarship should be made through the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

MacKenzie Scott Distinguished Scholarship

The MacKenzie Scott Distinguished Scholarship will be distributed by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee in the amount of $500 per semester (fall/spring) for a total of $1,000 per student.

To be eligible to receive this scholarship an applicant must:

  1. Have a high school diploma or GED equivalency.
  2. Enroll and complete at least twelve semester hours (6 sch. 1st 8-weeks & 6 sch. 2nd 8-weeks) at SWTJC.
  3. Maintain a 2.50 grade point average in all courses, exclusive of developmental courses.
  4. Have declared a major in A.A., A.S., A.A.S, or Certificate 1 or 2.

MacKenzie Scott Exemplary Scholarship

The MacKenzie Scott Exemplary Scholarship will be distributed by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee in the amount of $1,000 per semester (fall/spring) for a total of $2,000 per student. The scholarship is awarded to high school students from partner schools in the SWTJC dual credit program.

To be eligible to receive this scholarship an applicant must:

  1. Have declared a major in A.A., A.S., A.A.S, or Certificate 1 or 2.
  2. Awarded to high school students from partner schools in our dual credit program.
  3. Have completed twelve semester hours at SWTJC exclusive of developmental courses with a minimum GPA of 3.50 prior to receiving the scholarship.
  4. Enroll and complete at least twelve semester hours (6 sch. 1st 8-weeks & 6 sch. 2nd 8-weeks) at SWTJC with a GPA of 3.25 the first semester the scholarship is received to be eligible for the second semester award.
  5. Enroll for at least twelve semester hours (6 sch. 1st 8-weeks & 6 sch. 2nd 8-weeks) at SWTJC during the second award.

Ismael Sosa, Jr. Memorial Scholarship

In loving memory of Ismael Sosa, Jr., family and friends have established an endowment fund in order to award scholarships to deserving SWTJC students. The scholarship will be distributed by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee in the amount of $650 per semester (One Uvalde recipient for Fall or Spring semester). The recipient of this scholarship will meet the following criteria:

  1. Be enrolled for at least 12 semester hours;
  2. Be in good academic standing while attending SWTJC;
  3. Maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher.

Spring Semester Only Scholarship

SWTJC Freshmen and Sophomore students who did not receive a scholarship for the fall and Spring Semester of the current academic year, may apply for a one semester Spring Scholarship by completing the spring scholarship application form found on the college website. Students wanting to apply for scholarships the following year must complete the scholarship application due April 1st which is also found on the college website. Students who will have twelve hours or more college level courses with a 3.0 or higher GPA should apply for the spring semester only scholarship. Students who will have twenty-four hours or more college level courses with a 3.0 or higher GPA should also apply for scholarships the following year (Scholarship Application Form due April 1st of each year).

SWTJC Memorial Scholarship Fund

In Memory of:

Esmi Avalos

Keneth Bishop

Jimmy Burroughs

James Cowen

John Allen Davis

Christopher Tod Friederick

Adolph Gottschalk

Dolores Flores

Roy Lee & Alpha Hamm

Ed Heath

J. Lyle Hill

Wayne Hope

Hazel Jones

Boots Kothmann

E.A. Kretzchmar

Gerardo (Jerry) Mata

Gary Matthews

Wayne Matthews

R.K. Miller

Jesse T. Moreno

Dr. Tomas Rivera

Linda Word

Col. Victoria Zamarripa

The families and friends of well-known and civic-minded individuals have established a scholarship fund for the continuing remembrance of those who have done so much for the youth of our community.  The interest from this fund is used to help deserving students attend SWTJC.  The scholarship may be for the freshman and sophomore years if “satisfactory grades” are maintained.  Applications for the scholarships should be made through the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

Vic Leon Tucker Memorial Scholarship

In loving memory of Vic Leon Tucker, his family and friends have established a memorial scholarship to be given to a deserving graduate of Uvalde High School.

        To be eligible to receive this scholarship an applicant must:

  1. be a Uvalde High School graduate ranking in the top one-third of the graduating class and have a scholastic record that would justify consideration for a scholarship;
  2. meet all entrance requirements of SWTJC and enroll and complete a minimum of twelve semester hours exclusive of developmental courses;
  3. Maintain at least a 3.00 GPA (4.00 scale) in all college work in pursuance of an associate degree (A.A or A.A.S.) at SWTJC.

Uvalde Area Retired Teacher Association (UARTA) Scholarship

The Uvalde Area Retired Teacher Association (UARTA) awards one scholarship annually to a resident of Uvalde County planning to attend SWTJC to be a teacher.  The student must be full-time in good standing and making regular progress toward an associate degree.  The recipient may receive the scholarship for the freshman and sophomore years if “satisfactory grades” are maintained. 

Uvalde Rotary Club Scholarship

The Uvalde Rotary Club awards two scholarships annually to students of Uvalde County who plan to attend SWTJC.  The scholarship must be utilized during the school year following graduation from high school.  If “satisfactory grades” are maintained by the recipient, the scholarship is usually extended to include the second year of education.

Uvalde Rotary Club – John Burns Memorial Foundation Scholarship

The Uvalde Rotary Club – John Burns Foundation Scholarship is administered as a permanent endowment by the trustees of the Uvalde Rotary Club John Burns Foundation with the earnings designated to support scholarships for students attending SWTJC.  The same conditions governing the scholarships awarded annually by the Uvalde Rotary Club to students attending SWTJC governs this scholarship award.

Tom and Hope Witt Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the SWTJC Board of Trustees to honor the memory of Tom and Hope Witt, benefactors of the college and members of pioneer ranching families from the Camp Wood – Montell area.  The scholarship is to be administered by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

Ray & Edna Woolworth Endowment/Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was established in honor of Ray & Edna Woolworth long-time residents of the area.  The interest from the fund is to be used for scholarships to deserving SWTJC students with agriculture related majors.  The recipient may receive the scholarship for the freshman and sophomore years if “satisfactory grades” are maintained.  Applications for the scholarship should be made through the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

Other Scholarships

(Awarded through independent scholarship committees)

Bobby Wayne Hatley Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by friends and family to honor Bobby Wayne Hatley who served as a member of the Southwest Texas Junior College Board of Trustees from 1977-2004.  A longtime educator from the Camp Wood area, he influenced many students to pursue higher education.  He served as vice-president of the board from 1992-2004 and secretary from 1977-1992.  The recipient of this scholarship will be from Camp Wood and will be selected by a special committee from Camp Wood.

The Haskell “Peanuts” Hester Memorial Scholarship

A scholarship or scholarships will be given each year to a deserving student or students selected by the executive committee and sponsors of the Rodeo Club.  This scholarship(s) is given by the SWTJC Rodeo Club.  The selection of the scholarship is based on citizenship, scholarship, and need.  Applications should be submitted to the Rodeo Scholarship Committee.

International Good Neighbor Council Scholarship

The IGNC has established an endowment* to benefit LVN students and general education students attending the SWTJC Del Rio campus.  Interest from the endowment will be given as scholarships to students who have been admitted to the LVN program or who have accumulated thirty semester hours toward a degree with a 3.0 GPA.  A part-time student (six semester hours minimum) will be awarded 50% of the amount of a full-time student.  Applications should be forwarded to the SWTJC Del Rio campus Scholarship Committee.

*Once the endowment reaches $10,000, 10% of the interest earned each year is to be retained in the endowment for endowment growth.

        Criteria for the scholarship award(s) shall include:

  1. Must be a resident of Val Verde County or Kinney County.
  1. Beginning students must be fully admitted to Southwest Texas Junior College Del Rio Campus, have an overall GPA of at least 3.0, and enrolled at least half-time during the period of award.
  1. Continuing students must be in good academic and disciplinary standing at the college, have an overall GPA of at least 3.0 and enrolled at least half-time during the period of award.

John Robert and Maude Northcutt Kilpatrick Memorial Social Studies Division Scholarship

Family and friends of John Robert and Maude Northcutt Kilpatrick have contributed funds to establish this special scholarship in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kilpatrick, the parents of Charles L.F. Pierpont, former instructor of anthropology and sociology at SWTJC.  Mr. Kilpatrick gained an international reputation as a builder of flutes of gold and silver, the first completely handmade flute builder in Texas.  Mrs. Kilpatrick was a long time employee of Sears, Roebuck Mail Order and a Master National Flower Show Judge.

The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage worthy students to continue their studies at Southwest Texas Junior College.  To receive this scholarship, a student needs to be enrolled in the spring semester and request consideration for the award by the SWTJC Social Studies Division Scholarship Committee granting this award.

The Jason Kincaid Scholarship

This scholarship was established by friends and family to honor Jason Kincaid who served as a member of the SWTJC Agriculture program and Rodeo team.  The recipient of this scholarship must be a student whose educational objective is agriculture and who is a competing member of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association meeting all NIRA eligibility requirements.  This scholarship is given by the SWTJC Rodeo Club and selected by the Rodeo Scholarship Committee.

Kirchner Scholarship Trust Fund

The Kirchner Scholarship Trust Fund seeks to help academically oriented students with documented financial need to continue their education by awarding scholarships in the amount of $1,000 (consecutive $500 per long term semester).  Funds from the scholarship are to help defray the cost of attending classes at SWTJC.

        SWTJC students who meet the following criteria are eligible to apply:

  1. are pursuing an Associate of Arts in General Studies degree at SWTJC with the goal of securing a bachelor’s degree;
  2. during the semester in which the award is made, are enrolled for a minimum of twelve semester hours exclusive of developmental courses;
  3. have completed or will complete a minimum of 30 semester hours at SWTJC, exclusive of developmental courses, with a cumulative GPA of 3.00;
  4. have established financial aid need for the semester in which the award will be made by completing the appropriate financial aid application;
  5. are willing to acknowledge a moral obligation to return to the scholarship fund an amount equivalent to the amount awarded. No time limitation is designated.

Number of awards available is based on the availability of funds.  Priority in awarding will be given to residents of the tri-county area of Uvalde, Real, and Zavala counties.  Students must complete a minimum of twelve semester hours with a minimum GPA of 3.00 to qualify for the second semester $500 award.  Maximum student award from this fund is $1,000.  Applications should be made directly to the SWTJC Financial Aid Office.

Phil Lyne Rodeo Scholarship

A scholarship(s) will be given each year to a deserving student(s) selected by the executive committee and sponsors of the Rodeo Club.  This scholarship(s) is given by the SWTJC Rodeo Club and selected by the Rodeo Scholarship Committee.  Applications should be submitted to the Rodeo Scholarship Committee.

Locke and Zaiglin Wildlife Endowment

This scholarship was established by Mr. John Locke, area ranch owner, and Bob Zaiglin, Department Chair, Wildlife Management, Southwest Texas Junior College.  The recipient of this scholarship must be a student whose educational objective is to obtain an Associate of Applied Science degree in Wildlife Management at Southwest Texas Junior College by demonstrating high academic standards and a strong work ethic.  The recipient of this scholarship will be selected by the Wildlife Management Department at SWTJC.


Skip and Terri McCarthy

Kenneth (Kenny) Shackelford Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established by friends and family to honor Kenny Shackelford who served as a member of the Southwest Texas Junior College Board of Trustees from February 2005 to April 2007.  A longtime businessman and rancher from Real County, he encouraged many students to attend Southwest Texas Junior College to further their education.  Awarding of this scholarship will be based on a merit or need based scholarship with preference for a student from Real County.  The recipient will be selected by a member of the Shackelford family.

Scholarship for High School Graduates

Valedictorians of fully accredited Texas high schools receive scholarships, which cover the first year’s tuition at SWTJC, provided they have been so certified to the State Department of Education.  Recipients must enroll in the fall semester.

Showmanship Scholarship

Each year the Agricultural Management Department awards a $200 scholarship to the winner of the showmanship award in each of the livestock county classes at the three livestock expositions in the tri-county college district.  To take advantage of this award the student must attend SWTJC.

SWTJC Faculty Association

The college Faculty Association recognizes the need and desirability of recognizing outstanding academic and technical achievements.  Each year the association awards four $500 scholarships from a list of candidates who meets selective criteria.  Two scholarships are awarded to students who have chosen an academic major and two scholarships are awarded to students who have chosen a technical major.  Applications may be obtained from the SWTJC Faculty Association Scholarship Committee.

Uvalde Memorial Hospital “LVN Graduates – All A’s” Scholarship

This scholarship was established by Uvalde Memorial Hospital to help new LVN graduates continue their education toward their Registered Nurse degree.  $1200 is divided amount the present graduating vocational nurses who maintain an “A” average upon completion of the vocational nursing program.

        Criteria for the scholarship award(s) shall include:

  1. Must have graduated from the Uvalde Vocational Nursing Program for the present year;

Must have an “A” (90-100) average upon graduation of the vocational nursing program.

Dr. Pete and Joyce Harke Winn Scholarship

This scholarship was established to honor Dr. Pete Winn and Joyce Harke Winn. Dr. Pete Winn was an instructor of agriculture and biology at SWTJC for 45 years and Joyce was a teacher of home economics and English for 40 years at Knippa ISD. Both were very avid promotors of education and worked diligently to maximize the learning potential from each and every student. This scholarship will be earmarked for agriculture and/or health science students. The scholarship is to be administered by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.

  1. Must pursue agriculture and/or health science;
  2. Must be in good academic standing while attending SWTJC;
  3. Must maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher;
The scholarship will be for $650.00. The recipients are selected by the SWTJC Scholarship Committee.